Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Chevy Volt Update: Drivers Top 1 Million All-Electric Miles

Chevrolet Volt image 
"As demand for the groundbreaking Chevrolet Volt continues to grow, so does the number of owners who are letting Chevy know just how far they can go on a gallon of gas—or no gas at all. In fact, just part way through this summer, Volt owners had already covered more than 1.2 million miles on electricity alone.

They include Kory Levoy, a manufacturing manager from Yorba Linda, Calif., who had been spending $50-$60 every week putting gasoline in his Audi TT roadster. But since buying his new Volt, he has covered 7,500 miles and had to fill up the tank just three times. Today, Levoy—like many other Volt drivers—is averaging 40 miles of driving range on a single charge, allowing him to cover his 25-mile round-trip commute entirely on electricity.
“I was tired of spending roughly $200 plus a month on gas,” said Levoy. “The ability to not even consider finding a gas station or worry about fuel pricing is a phenomenal experience.”
Big-time fuel savings are part of the package for Volt owner Carey Bailer, too. An electrical engineer in Cottage Grove, Ore., Bailey has a 75-mile daily commute that used to cost him about $500 a month in gasoline. Now, driving his new Volt, Bailey has sliced that to just $100 per month—and he expects his fuel costs to come down even further." [Continue reading...]

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