Friday, October 7, 2011

Chevrolet Identifies 16 Carbon-Reduction Projects

"Chevrolet is helping support 16 projects across America – from biomass to wind turbines – as part of its commitment to spend up to $40 million on carbon reduction. The agreements account for half of Chevrolet’s goal of preventing up to 8 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from entering the air during the next five years.
The projects, all in their initial stages, are expected to eventually comprise 4.6 million metric tons.
Chevrolet set its carbon-reduction goal based on the estimated emissions in 2011 from driving the 1.9 million vehicles it is expected to sell in the United States between Nov. 18, 2010 and Dec. 31, 2011.
“Reducing carbon dioxide emissions is one of mankind’s greatest responsibilities,” said Dr. Michio Kaku, theoretical physicist, futurist, and presenter of the Carbon Stories web video series. “Creative carbon stories – like turning harmful emissions into energy – are everywhere.”
Chevrolet has contracts to help support programs that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years through energy savings, renewable energy and conservation. Examples include:
Metrolina Greenhouse in Huntersville, N.C.: Replacing natural gas with renewable biomass – mostly waste wood – to heat greenhouses that grow gardening plants." [Continue reading...]

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