Friday, October 14, 2011

Chevy Sonic to Launch ‘Let’s Do This’ Digital Campaign

"Donating blood in a vampire costume and working out in a grocery store are two of the offbeat ways Chevrolet is trying to get its 18- to 30-year-old target audience to play along in the launch of the all-new 2012 Chevy Sonic.
 “Let’s Do This,” a multi-phased advertising campaign begins digitally in mid-October emphasizing attention-grabbing Sonic adventures and a “Let’s Do This” social game that will live online as well as on a mobile app.
To play the game and possibly win a Sonic, users will document themselves completing various challenges, from participating in a sporting event for a good cause to working out in a grocery store.  Players share their accomplishments on the “Let’s Do This” site or app, compete to earn badges, and accumulate points. Users are also encouraged to share videos and photos on their personal social media pages.
The second phase of the campaign will include a more traditional television, print and digital advertising approach highlighting the Sonic’s features and incorporating content from the vehicle’s adventures." [Continue reading...]

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