Friday, November 11, 2011

Chevrolet 100 years: Reborn in the USA

This 1957 Chevrolet Corvette is what Alan Shepard, the first American to travel into  space, drove when he reported for space programme training in April 1959. Photo / Supplied
"Americans drove them to the levee and worked on their night moves in their back seats.  For a century, Chevrolets won America's heart with their convenience, style and speed - even if sometimes they were clunky, or had problems with rust or their rear susensions.

Chevy, which lays claim to being the top-selling car brand ever with more than 200 million sales, celebrates its 100th birthday this month.  For most of its life, Chevy stayed just ahead of the competition by bringing innovations such as all-steel bodies, automatic shifting, electric headlamps and power steering to regular folks at a low cost."  [Continue reading...]

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